Sociocracy, Time To Reinvent Democracy eepak Raj Joshi
Our political system, Democracy, starts from the same approach: the
Our political system, Democracy, starts from the same approach: the
Slacktivism this new term vividly summarizes the era of social
By Deepak Raj Joshi Although the role of women has
Deepak Raj Joshi Are you still checking emails, messages, and
Deepak Raj Joshi When opportunity is given to children
It is no coincidence that in all dictatorship the opposition
Everything is a matter of politics. The quality of the
By Deepak Raj Joshi In recent years, the danger of
By Deepak Raj Joshi April 25, 2020, 2:26 p.m. The
Deepak Raj joshi I was a hardcore Osho follower