Mental Constitution Chart for three chitta vritti people

Activities Sattvik chitta vritti Rajasi chitta vritti Tamasi chitta vritti
Diet Vegetarian Some meat Heavy meat diet
Drugs/alcohol/stimulants Never Occasionally Frequently
Sensory impressions Calm, pure Mixed Disturbed
Need for sleep Little Moderate High
Sexual activity Low Moderate High
Control of senses Good Moderate Weak
Speech Calm and peaceful Agitated Dull
Cleanliness High Moderate Low
Work Selfless For personal goals Lazy
Anger Rarely Sometimes Frequently
Fear Rarely Sometimes Frequently
Desire Little Frequent Excessive
Pride Modest Some ego Vain
Depression Never Sometimes Frequently
Love Universal Personal Lacking in love
Violent behavior Never Never Frequently
Attachment to money Little Some A lot
Contentment Usually Partly Never
Forgiveness Easily With effort Holds grudges
Concentration Good Moderate Poor
Memory Good Moderate Poor
Will power Strong Variable Weak
Truthfulness Always Most of the time Rarely
Honesty Always Most of the time Rarely
Peace of mind Generally Partly Rarely
Creativity High Moderate Low
Spiritual study Daily Occasionally Never
Mantra, prayer Daily Occasionally Never
Meditation Daily Occasionally Never
Service Much Some None

For more details about these three gunas or three Vrittis and their characteristics, visit our other posts –

Sattvik Chitta Vritti

Rajasi Chitta Vritti

Tamasi Chitta Vritti